
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bath Time Fun

For the most part we bathe the kids together.  It's easier to get them both done at once and usually The Husband is the one to give them baths while I'm either cooking dinner or cleaning up after dinner.  I know it doesn't make too much sense to bathe them before dinner but sometimes the timing just works out better that way...and sometimes I just need a little peace and quiet while cooking dinner.  That's especially helpful on those hard days, especially since I don't really like to cook.

I have a major slight obsession with Pinterest and have pinned plenty of fun things for the kids.  Many of the ideas I've seen pinned leave me thinking "How did I not think of that?!" because they're so simple yet the kids love them!

Rainbow Ice
A few days ago E and I made some rainbow ice (fill an ice cube tray with water then add in a drop or 2 of food coloring and give it a gentle stir).  We bathed the kids separately last night since E likes to have his own space in the tub every once in a while....and Shortcake does too!  I tossed some in a bowl and E picked out whatever colors he wanted and tossed them right in.  They immediately make a color cloud when they hit the water.  I tried to get a picture of it but it turned out horribly.  They melted VERY quickly since the water was warm so I threw in the 2nd row of rainbow ice from the ice cube tray...and those didn't last long either.  He had plenty of fun with them while they lasted though!

I also gave him a little more water than normal and he had a lot of fun "swimming" and trying to grab the ice.  As you can see it makes the bath water a little nasty looking but that's just part of the fun!  One of the other ideas I saw on Pinterest was to make your own bath paint.  You get a muffin tin and put some shaving cream (not gel) in each cup, add some food coloring and mix it in well.  The shaving cream sucks up the color pretty quickly and I think it took maybe 2-3 drops to get it to the color I wanted.  If you don't mind more light, pastel colors 1 drop would be fine.  We tried the paint a few weeks ago and it was a HUGE (and cheap) hit!

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